Fire Door Surveys


Fire Doors

Here at Kudos Fire Protection, we specialise in the installation, survey and inspection and maintenance of fire door solutions. A fire door is something that can help to save lives in the case of an emergency. They are heat and fire-resistant materials able to withstand the heat of the fire. They are used to help reduce the spread of fire and smoke by acting as a barrier, so it helps to limit the spread. Regular inspection and maintenance are essential when it comes to fire doors. This is to ensure that they are in complete working condition. Some fire doors will only be used in the event of an emergency to preserve their life, but some are used every day. In this case, it is essential to ensure they are not damaged and will still stop the smoke and help to save lives. If we find your fire door to be damaged, we can advise on the best repair or replacement methods. If you currently have a fire door installed that you want to survey or are interested in getting some fitted, then contact us here at Kudos Fire Protection, and we can help.
Fire Door Surveys
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The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 made it a legal requirement from 23 January 2023 for responsible persons for all multi-occupied residential buildings in England with storeys over 11 metres in height to:
– undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors (including self-closing devices) in the common parts

– undertake – on a best endeavour basis – annual checks of all flat entrance doors (including self-closing devices) that lead onto a building’s common parts

The regulations also require responsible persons to provide to residents of all multi-occupied residential buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises (that have common parts) information on the importance of fire doors to a building’s fire safety.

Every project is unique, and our tailored solutions protect your home or business

..and ensure your property conforms to all relevant fire safety regulations